Dee: 29 May 2009

Dear Diary,

Peter confided in me...we're running out of food.

It's true. Our food stores are running low. We didn't want to tell Daren, Sam, Bill, and the little ones. They'd just worry.

Peter has found a warehouse with food we could steal. I worry though, we're not thieves. We really aren't sneaky enough.

At times like these I wonder what mother would think of me, Deirde, her little genius.

I couldn't stay though. She handpicked me from a thousand other genetic exemplars. She wanted a genius and she got one.

Too bad I realized that all of my good fortune was a matter of wealth.

Enough about that, apparently Daren has found some strange person walking around who doesn't know a thing about our world. It is sad really, the amount of crazy people on Goldburg.

There's no helping it though. Like so many other collapsing colonies, Goldburg is a dumping ground for the insane and infirm. We have one of the larges percentages of homelessness in the entire republic.

The amount of orphaned children in just this city is staggering.

That's another thing. When I lived in the upper crust the city was called Silver, but when you're not rich the city has no name.

The name doesn't matter to anyone. It matters more where in the city where in the city you're from.

To some of the little ones the city is Goldburg.

I've got to go now. Bye.

With Love,