Utopia: 1 June 2009

I find myself thinking of Dee today. She and Peter are being most secretive. I trust them, true, and I know they will make the decision that they think best. I am not very pleased with the secrecy though. Why people keep information from one another, I shall never understand.

It disturbs me when people keep secrets and lie. They have reasons, yes, but lies and deception do little good. I do not lie. When people ask I give them the full truth they request.

That is my idea of a perfect world. “Everyone tells the truth.” All of the philosophers and back alley politicians do not convince me. I have heard their arguments and speeches. All of their systems and strategies mean nothing when confronted with a truth of humanity.

Humans lie. I find myself to be an exception only because I see no reason to lie. If I felt I could gain anything by deception I would surely practice it. I do not.

Keep in mind that when I say that in my perfect world everyone tells the truth, that I do not mean everyone must tell the truth. I mean that everyone does it naturally. If everyone could tell only truth, then no policy, strategy, or system would be needed.

Everyone would tell the truth. Without deception, there would be utopia.

Utopia is an odd word. Whenever I find it in one of Dee's fictions it is full of shiny towers and lavish indulgence. One of those utopias is made of glimmering metal and glass skyscrapers. In the richer areas of the City there are shiny skyscrapers. Is this utopia?

Utopia is defined as a perfect society. I don't understand why so many of them have extravagance. Would such waste be tolerated in a society that was perfect?

I confess that a lot of things confuse me.

-Sam's Thought Journal
Entry 78